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Как лучше назвать подземный уровень Обана, где хранятся «зародыши» планет?
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Рассказы и сценарии к новым сериям Обана
Главная » Статьи » English FanFictions » Pairing: Others

“OSR Season 2: A Shining Tomorrow”.
Authors: MasterOfThePen, Queenbean3.
Title: “OSR Season 2: A Shining Tomorrow”.
Pairing: not fixed for the moment...
Status: in progress…

Source: http://www.fanfiction.net/anime/Oban_Star-Racers/

Комментарий аплоадера:
Этот эпичный фан-фик претендует на звание самого лучшего Обан-фика всех времён, и обязателен к прочтению всеми истинными фанами OSR. Захватывающее действо, продуманная история, обилие интересных решений, внимание к деталям и блестящая постановка гарантированно обеспечат Вам наличие приятных эмоций на пару дней. Единственным недостатком этого произведения может быть некая его отстранённость от романтической составляющей истории (а романтическая часть истории наиболее важна для большинства из нас)), но это можно объяснить тем, что сам фан-фик очень большой, и всё это у него ещё впереди. Однако, к сожалению, работа над этим замечательным фиком была приостановлена ещё в 2007 г.. Последняя его версия, предоставленная в этой библиотеке, содержит только первые 13 глав.

Все последние новости о данном фанфике можно посмотреть на его страничке на официальном OSR форуме: http://www.obanstarracers.com/forum....start=0

Есть еще одна новость: команда сайта решила перевести этот фанфик на русский язык! Этого момента стоит ждать, поскольку этот замечательный фик достоин внимания каждого любителя OSR. Мы стараемся и делаем все, чтобы выполнить перевод в наиболее лучшей форме.

Enjoy and have a good time! This is really epic fic...

Author's Note: Characters and concepts are the creative property of Savin Yeatman-Eiffel and Sav! the World Productions.

This is a collaborative work between me and Queenbean3. We will each take turns writing the chapters. I'll go first. Please review and constructive criticism is always welcome!



One year has passed since the Great Race of Oban began. A young boy from Earth took the mantle of Avatar upon his shoulders, and the galaxy was forever changed. The Crogs, forced to retreat from Earth space after their ships were disabled by the Avatar's power, returned to their homeworld in shame. Meanwhile, the Nourasians, with some timely assistance from the Earth Coalition, were able to rout the Crog invaders and expel them from the Holy City of Dol. Since that day, Earth and Nourasia formed a tenuous truce as they swore to fight their common enemy.

As the Earth Coalition gained more allies, the truce with Nourasia blossomed into an alliance. The Earth President and the Nourasian King met on several occasions to write an official peace treaty between their two worlds. Sadly, the peace talks were put on hold as King Lao fell ill and soon passed away. His only son, Prince Aikka, was crowned the new king, and eventually negotiations between Earth and Nourasia were resumed. The young king has yet to visit Earth formally, however, as he has been kept busy adjusting to his new role as ruler of his kingdom.

Meanwhile, the Crogs were engaged in civil war. Two factions had emerged since their defeat at the hands of the Earthlings and Nourasians. One faction wished to continue the Nourasian occupation, as the leader of the Crog Imperium had commanded them to do, while the other faction sought revenge against the Earth Coalition for their humiliating defeat. With the Emperor dead, a constant vie for power has occupied their attentions, leaving little time for invasions.

But the Crogs weren't the only world to succumb to in-fighting. A new political party has gained power quickly within the Earth Coalition. Calling themselves “Einherjar,” they are opposed to the Earth's current foreign policy with their alien allies. Led by the Secretary of Defense, Ricard von Wolfram, he has clashed over various issues with the President concerning the open-handed manner in which Earth deals with aliens. Militaristic and xenophobic, Einherjar espouses the creed of “human superiority” and believe themselves to be modern day knights on a “crusade of purity” for humankind. They seek to prevent a new bill from being passed that would allow aliens to become legal citizens on Earth and feel that all worlds currently colonized by Earth belong to them by divine right. Several assassination attempts on alien diplomats have been traced to Einherjar, and the Earth President has come to realize, too late, that Einherjar is truly a force to be reckoned with.

On this day, the 15th of April in the year 2083, a young girl turns sixteen years old. And the galaxy is about to change once more...

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Категория: Pairing: Others | Добавил(а): Essence (12.09.2010)
Просмотров: 1763 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: Фанфики, English fanfiction, EPIC FIC
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Essence  
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